Microsoft 365 Email Threat Scanner

91% of all cyberattacks start with an email. Attacks on companies and institutions are constantly being adapted in order to exploit new vulnerabilities. Email communication remains the number 1 target in cyberattacks.
Attackers these days are increasingly using social engineering tactics in order to trick users and bypass traditional email security gateways. Your Microsoft 365 mailboxes may already contain some serious threats right now.

Scan your email security

The Email Threat Scanner uses sophisticated artificial intelligence (AI) technology and API integration in Microsoft 365 to quickly and effectively detect threats such as ransomware, spear phishing and account takeover as social engineering attacks that have landed in your mailboxes. Following the vulnerability scan, you receive an insightful report and can then start taking the precautions necessary to stop attacks before they deal any damage.

Microsoft 365 EMail ThreatScan 1

Your benefits:

To give your company and data the best possible protection, you need to stay one step ahead of the cybercriminals. Take the first step and get in touch with us. Our security experts will be happy to advise you on matters concerning email security.
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