DataStore AG supports you in this extensive and important process. Our partner Projektas GmbH has developed the Business Resilience Model “RESILIA”. With this unique model, you can successfully implement the necessary steps for the revised Data Protection Act.
PROJEKTAS unleashes the company’s capabilities with RESILIA Business Resilience by bringing together corporate governance, data protection, data security and operational expertise in the right way to quickly master current challenges and make business processes and employees fit for the future.
Cyberattacks are reduced to the technical hurdles they had to successfully overcome. However, the triggers are mostly of human nature and the impact affects the whole organisation. Today, people are beginning to understand that a compre- hensive protection cannot only operate in technology. If a company wants to maintain its ability to act even in crises, it must provide for protective measures in all areas and coordinate them with each other.
To ensure the business resilience, a protective wall is needed around the company. So we have first to
From this, the protective measures are to be defined, the priorities to be aligned with the business strategy and a program to be drawn up for implementation. The RESILIA Assessment provides the company with an external, independed view on the current mode of opera- tion and the expected transformation in order to achieve the level described by the RESILIA Business Resilience Model.
The RESILIA Assessment shows the company how it can increase its business resilience against external threats and ensure its ability to act even in adverse situations.
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