DevOpsDays Zurich

DevOpsDays Zurich 2025

Join us at DevOpsDays Zurich 2025!

DevOpsDays Zurich is a self-organizing conference for DevOps practitioners, and part of the worldwide community of DevOpsDays events. It brings together leaders in Software Development, IT Operations, QA, InfoSec, and IT Management to collaborate and learn from each other. It is both a technical conference and a conference focusing on culture, processes, and structure within organizations.

DevOpsDays Zurich is a single track, english language conference with various formats:

  • 30min talk
  • 5min Ignite talk (20 slides, auto-forwarding)
  • Open Spaces (self-organized during conference)
  • Workshop (hands-on sessions in a classroom setting)

DataStore is looking forward to be part of the DevOpsDays Zurich together with our vendor Checkmarx. Checkmarx is the leader in application security and ensures that enterprises worldwide can secure their application development from code to cloud. Their consolidated platform and services balance the dynamic needs of enterprises by improving security and reducing TCO, while simultaneously building trust between AppSec, developers, and CISOs. At Checkmarx, they believe it’s not just about finding risk but remediating it across the entire application footprint and software supply chain with one seamless process for all relevant stakeholders. Checkmarx serves more than 1,800 customers, including 40 percent of all Fortune 100 companies.

Join us at DevOpsDays and book your ticket now:

We look forward to seeing you there!

The DataStore Team

Date & Time

12. March 2025 - 13. March 2025
All day


Event Type: DevOpsDays
Language: English
Event Status: Planned realisation

Host & Location

Alte Kaserne Winterthur
Technikumstrasse 8
8400 Winterthur

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